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Green Walls and Roofs



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Design and Construct Vertical Gardens and Roof Gardens

As cities become more populated and the size of living spaces diminishes there is a pressing need for more innovative use of space.Find out what options are out there and learn to think outside the box of traditional garden design. 

Develop your horticultural skill sets by learning about optimising all sorts of spaces for growing plants and greening the urban environment. Be amongst those who are already offering new and different ideas on design to their clients.  

Course Code: BHT256

Course Duration: 100 hours of self paced studies


What this Course Covers

Nine lessons

  1. Scope and Nature of Roof and Vertical Gardens
  2. Construction Functional and Appropriate Vertical and Roof Gardens
  3. Climbing Plants and Structures for climbing
  4. Plants Suited to Roof and Vertical Gardens
  5. Adaptations for Other Plants in Roof and Vertical Gardens
  6. Container Growing
  7. Maintenance –watering, pest control
  8. Applications/Landscaping –Roof Gardens
  9. Applications/Landscaping –Vertical gardens

Extra Reading

Books, available through this web site that are relevant supplementary reading for this course, include:

  • Succulents by John Mason
  • Annuals by John Mason
  • Climbing Plants

How This Course Could Help You

This course is aimed at those seeking specialised information in how to design and create green walls and roof gardens. Opportunities abound, whether to enhance your existing career, take your career in a different direction, start a new business or simply grow more on a property that has run out of space. It can be studied by itself or along with other horticulture and landscape design modules as part of a certificate or higher level qualification.

Who This Course Is For

  • Building constructors looking to incorporate green roofs and walls into their building designs
  • Professionals such as landscape gardeners and garden designers, interested in learning more about sustainable design
  • Students interested in green roof and wall systems
  • Interior designers
  • Enthusiastic home gardeners looking for a little extra expertise.
  • Plantscapers


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Green Walls and Roofs Green Walls and Roofs
$781.66 In stock