Discover How to Grow Plants Using Different Methods
Propagation is a crucial skill for anyone working in the nursery industry. It is also something most home gardeners wish to master. Most people can sow plants from seed with reasonable success without any formal training. However, they won't have as many seeds germinate as someone who knows what they are doing. When it comes to other forms of propagation their chance of success will fall way considerably.
Study this course to learn about the full gamut of propagation options. Discover how to ensure better seed viability, how to take different types of cuttings, the skills of air layering, and how to graft onto rootstocks. Find out how to use all these techniques and optimise your success by using good hygiene and management practices.
Course Code: BHT108
Course Duration: 100 hours of self paced studies
What the Course Covers
The course is divided into ten lessons as follows:
1. Introduction to Propagation - asexual and sexual propagation, plant life cycles, nursery production systems
2. Seed Propagation
3. Potting Media
4. Vegetative Propagation I - cuttings
5. Vegetative Propagation II - care of stock plants; layering, division and other techniques
6. Vegetative Propagation III - budding and grafting, tissue culture
7. Propagation Structures and Materials - greenhouses, propagating equipment
8. Risk Management - nursery hygiene, risk assessment and management
9. Nursery Management I - plant modification techniques, management policies
10. Nursery Management II - nursery standards, cost efficiencies, site planning and development
Study when, where and however much you want. For most students, the course can be completed with a total of around 100 hours of study.
Extra Reading
The following books, available through this web site may be relevant supplementary reading for this course:
- Getting Work in Horticulture
- Plant, Pests & Diseases
- Starting a Nursery or Herb Farm
How This Course Could Help You
This course is geared towards people working in the nursery industry, or in other fields of horticulture like parks or public and private gardens where some knowledge of plant propagation is required. It is also aimed at those who are planning to work in these areas. This course will also help with running or improving an existing nursery business. Home gardeners and keen plant growing enthusiasts will also benefit.
Study this course by itself or along with other propagation, nursery or horticulture subjects to enhance your understanding of the industry and expand your skills.
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