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Turf Grasses



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Learn about Turf Grasses

Lawns are planned, installed, and maintained through mowing and other practices. If we want the turf cover to be sustainable and fit for purpose, it needs to be purposefully planned and maintained.

The grasses which you choose to use in a turf need to be understood and carefully selected to meet the purpose of that turf. Making a good choice of grass variety can make a huge difference to the quality of the surface, the health of the grasses, what it can be used for and the cost of maintaining it in terms of both money and resources.

This course teaches students to recognise the characteristics that differentiate turf grass cultivars from one another, in order to make choices about what cultivars are appropriate for different turf applications.

Study this course to learn:

  • A deeper knowledge of grass varieties, their anatomy and physiology.
  • How to choose turf cultivars wisely.
  • How to maintain and repair turf according to the cultivars being used.
  • How to have a better quality turf and fewer failures.
  • Ways to save time and money for yourself and your employer.

Course Code: BHT342

Course Duration: 100 hours of self paced study


Course Content

This course begins by strengthening your understanding of turf grass physiology and taxonomy. Most of the course then applies that understanding to systematically studying all of the significant types of turf grasses grown around the world, in both cool and hot climates; and both dry and wet climates. The course then finishes by showing you how multiple cultivars might be grown together in the same turf surface to compliment each other and produce a better turf.

There are ten lessons:

1. Introduction - Biology, terminology and classification of turf grasses.

2. Fescues - the “Festuca rubra complex”, “Festuca ovina complex” and others

3. Bentgrasses - Creeping, Colonial, Velvet, Redtop, Highland and Idaho Bentgrass 

4. Ryegrasses - Perennial, Italian, Annual Ryegrass etc.

5. Bluegrasses - Kentucky, Texas, Rough, Canada, Upland and other bluegrass species including winter grass.

6. Couchgrasses -Bermuda, South African, Hybrid, Queensland Blue and Salt Water couches

7. Buffalo and Zoysia Grasses - Stenotaphrum, Buchloe, Bouteloua and Zoysia.

8. Other Warm Condition Grasses -Centipedegrass, Kikuyu, Paspalums, Bahia grass and others

9. Other Cool Condition Grasses -Hairgrasses, Timothy, Brome, Phalaris, Wheatgrass, Crested Dogtail, etc

10. Turf grass Mixes -Growing two or more varieties together in the same turf.


Who This Course Is For?

People wishing to work in turf industry trades as greenkeepers, grounds persons, and turf repair and maintenance staff.    
Anyone considering a business with a focus on consultancy in turf grasses.
Current turf maintenance workers seeking to extend their skills.
Landscapers, parks & gardens staff, and gardeners wishing to expand their knowledge.    

Thinking of Enrolling? Get in Touch

Our friendly staff understand the importance of making the right choices when it comes to studying. We want to help you choose the right course whether it is for personal interest, upskilling, professional development, a new career, or a career change. 

Contact us and let us guide you on your learning pathway. 

Email us at admin@acs.edu.au | Call us on (07) 5562 1088 


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Turf Grasses Turf Grasses
$834.96 In stock